The MSP Foundation and Practitioner qualification is intended for:
Programme managers and aspiring programme managers
Project managers/senior project managers
Business change managers
Other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects, including project board members (e.g. executive), project assurance, and project support
Operational line managers/staff (e.g. process owners) operating within a programme environment
Other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of programmes, including: programme board members (e.g. senior responsible owner), programme assurance, and programme management office personnel
Portfolio management staff
Specialist programme staff.
The MSP Foundation Examination is intended to assess whether the candidate can demonstrate sufficient recall and understanding of the MSP programme management framework to be awarded the MSP Foundation qualification.
The MSP Practitioner examination is intended to assess whether the candidate can demonstrate sufficient ability to apply and tailor the MSP programme management framework to be awarded the MSP Practitioner qualification. A successful Practitioner candidate should, with suitable direction, be able to start applying the framework to a real programme but may not be sufficiently skilled to do this appropriately for all situations. Their individual programme management expertise, the complexity of the programme, and the support provided for the use of MSP in their work environment will all be factors that impact what the practitioner can achieve.
There are no prerequisites for taking the MSP 5th edition Foundation exam. However, to take the MSP 5th edition Practitioner exam, candidates are required to have an MSP 5th edition Foundation certificate.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, the delegate will be able to:
Understand key concepts relating to programmes and MSP.
Understand how the MSP principles underpin the MSP framework.
Understand the MSP themes and how they are applied throughout the programme.
Understand the MSP processes and how they are carried out throughout the programme.
Understand how to apply the MSP principles in context.
Understand how to apply and tailor relevant aspects of the MSP themes in context.
Understand how to apply and tailor relevant aspects of the MSP processes in context.
Course Materials
Our package includes:
PeopleCert Official Training Materials (OTM) including Learner Kits
Managing Successful Programmes, 5th Edition eBook
Sample exam papers and rationales
- Official PeopleCert MSP® Foundation and Practitioner Exam Vouchers (valid for 12 months)
Foundation Exam Overview
Material allowed: None (This is a 'closed book' exam.)
Exam duration: 60 minutes
Number of marks: 60 marks
Pass mark: 36 marks (60% or higher)
Level of thinking: Bloom’s levels 1 & 2
Question types: Classic, Missing word, & List (The questions are all 'multiple choice'.)
Practitioner Exam Overview
Material allowed: This is an 'open book' exam. (MSP® manual only)
Exam duration: 2 hours 30 minutes (150 minutes)
Number of marks: 70 marks
Pass mark: 42 marks (60% or higher)
Level of thinking: Bloom’s levels 3 & 4
Exam format: Scenario, additional information & questions
Question types: Standard Classic & Matching 'multiple choice'.
“Bloom’s level” describes the type of thinking needed to answer the question.
For Bloom’s level 1 questions, you need to recall information about the MSP® method.
For Bloom’s Level 2 questions, you need to show understanding of these concepts.
For Bloom’s level 3 questions, you need to apply your knowledge to a situation.
For Bloom’s level 4 questions, you need to analyze the information provided and reason whether a course of action is effective/appropriate.
MSP® Practitioner 5th Edition Course with Official Exam
Notification of access will emailed directly by PeopleCert® providing full details how to access the course. A device with internet connection, video and audio capability will be required.